Programming for Special Forces
WIth roots extending back to the era of WWII, the US Special Forces are a non-conventional fighting force that executes a variety of special missions, including, but not limited to; operations in denied territory, training of indigenous forces, humanitarian efforts, and both direct action and reconnaissance missions.
GIven that the physical demands for Special Forces operators are both immense and varied, one might imagine that the training protocols required for success in this field would be equally immense and appropriately complex. However, I am here to tell you that this isn’t necessarily the case, and that creating programming for Special Forces operators can, and should be, relatively simple and straightforward.
Let’s first consider what might be important to an operator:
Tactical acumen and skill
Movement quality
Pain mitigation
Quality of life
Obviously there are other factors that would are important to operators, given that each individual is going to have different perspectives and priorities–in my time with the Special Forces so far, I’ve met individuals who love lifting but hate running, love running but hate lifting, fall somewhere in the middle, or are entirely ambivalent about physical training in general–however, the above list is quick and dirty breakdown of things that are universally accepted as important.
The question then becomes, “How do I, as a coach, satisfy those demands and address what’s important to my population while still adhering to my own personal and professional principles and philosophies?”
It should be assumed outright that we as S&C coaches will have very little if anything to do with the development of tactical skill and proficiency–anyone who thinks he or she might somehow be involved in this area is living in fantasyland. These guys, the operators, while otherwise very normal guys, are elite soldiers who are experts at their craft, and as such, there is probably very little that we as S&C coaches would be able to teach them about tactics, weapons, or anything else tactical. So let’s stick to our lane and just focus on getting them strong, fast, and durable.
From a physical training perspective, most operators need a few basic things; strength, endurance, speed, and durability. Operators are, in many ways, similar to athletes, given the broad and varied demands placed on them.
While strength is important (think rucking, gear carriage, buddy rescue), operators are NOT powerlifters, and cannot become bloated waddling cheese curds who sweat going up half a flight of steps outside the local Wendy’s (Triple Baconator for life though…). Whatever strength operators develop must be applicable to their trade and craft (I’m trying to say “functional” without saying “functional” here), and must be readily and immediately called upon while in the line of duty. That’s not to say that operators shouldn’t focus on the development of maximal strength, only that it cannot become the sole focus of training.
Conversely, operators are NOT marathon runners, and cannot become waifish husks that crumple and collapse under any appreciable load. It is absolutely necessary that operators possess a decent and functional level of both aerobic and anaerobic capacity (think long-range movement, infil/exfil, sprinting from cover to cover), however, just as with strength, operators cannot focus solely on the development of the cardiovascular system.
Just as with Anakin and the Force, there must be balance. It is our job as S&C coaches to provide programming that creates that balance and allows for the development of well-rounded and physically-able operators who are prepared to enter into the field and execute whatever mission(s) they are tasked with.
Another factor that must be considered when developing programming for Special Forces operators is their movement quality. As a multi-ply powerlifter, I’ve assumed and come to terms with the notion that my movement quality outside of the S/B/D is relatively trash, and I’m ok with that. Nothing in my line of work requires that I be really good, or even just good, at moving–I don’t teach yoga, I don’t do pilates, and if I try hard enough and swear enough I can almost touch my toes. However, as stated above, operators are not powerlifters, and need to be able to move well, especially under load and on uneven/treacherous terrain. As such, it is important that operators through and in different planes of motion, and do so well. It is one thing to move, it is another to do so well, and it is important that operators move well, so, as a coach, ensure that even if you aren’t capable of moving well yourself, you’re at least able to teach someone else how to do so.
Pain is a constant factor in the life of an operator. Whether from combat-related injuries, acute trauma from a bad jump, or overuse (we see A LOT of banged up knees, lower backs, and shoulders), pain is an inescapable aspect of life in the Special Forces. However, through properly prescribed strength training, improvement in movement quality, appropriately dosed volume and intensity, and overall improvements in physical fitness and well-being, we, as coaches and practitioners (think Physical Therapists), can help mitigate the degrees to which these men live in and deal with pain in both the short and long term.
Finally, all of the above considerations should culminate in the improvement of overall quality of life for Special Forces operators. As with the tactical side of things, there are aspects of “quality of life” that are beyond the scope of practice of a S&C coach–however, fortunately, there are other programs and options available to operators that address the non-physical components of QOL, and it’s important that S&C coaches coordinate and cooperate with these other programs in order to provide as comprehensive and holistic of a product as possible.
It has been my experience thus far that by improving all of the above; strength, endurance, movement quality, and pain mitigation, there is typically a massive improvement in overall QOL, and, as a result, increased buy-in and adherence to training and programming. Many of the complications and issues faced by S&C coaches in the tactical field are related to adherence to programming and attendance/enrollment in classes/sessions, so anything that has the potential to increase those areas is valuable and should be given priority within the overall scheme and scope of a training program. If you, as the S&C coach, can make someone feel better, be in less pain, and perform better at his job while minimizing (never eliminating) the potential for (non-combat) injury, that’s a win, and that’s what S&C at the tactical level is all about. It doesn’t matter if you’re coaching military, fire, or police–they all have similar needs, demands, and expectations, and it’s our job as coaches to satisfy needs, meet demands, and meet or exceed expectations.
The big question then becomes, “How do we go about doing all of this?” I’ve already authored one article on using the Conjugate method for the tactical field, so my thoughts on the subject should be pretty clear. However, there are a number of different ways to program, and while I might be biased toward Conjugate, I won’t go so far as to say that it’s the end all be all of training methodologies for any field. I work as one of three coaches on our staff, and each of us has our own method of programming and coaching, and no one method is better than the next or the previous. Programming for the tactical field, much like programming for athletics, comes down to understanding the population at hand, its needs, and how to most adequately and effectively address those needs within the context and scope of the population and its abilities.
I would, however, suggest that percentage-based programming might not be the most optimal route, given that, especially at the Special Forces level, operators are often gone for much of a program, and might not be prepared for the rigidity that percentage-based programming entails. RPE-based systems might be more appropriate, given their open and less restrictive structures. However, as with all things S&C, deciding the most appropriate course of action is a multi-faceted and complex process that requires a deep and hands-on understanding of the situation at hand.
Programming for Special Forces is relatively simple and straightforward–they, like everyone else, need strength, speed, endurance, and durability. Get them to move and move well, lift heavy things, jump, sprint, and push/pull, and teach them the skills necessary for success while on deployment, and you’re good to go.