using the conjugate method for olympic lifting
Uh oh, I said a bad word, or rather, a few of them.
“Using the Conjugate Method for Olympic Weightlifting?”
No way, nuh-uh. Strike me down, Lifting Gods.
All jokes aside, Olympic lifting and Conjugate are typically not two ideas that end up in the same sentence, at least not in a positive manner.
But why not? Why can’t we use the Conjugate Method to train the Olympic lifts? Don’t the same principles apply to both powerlifting and weightlifting? Why are the two disciplines at such odds with each other, and why can’t we all just get along?
I’m here to argue that we all can get along, but it’s important to state that what follows is simply my opinion on how the Conjugate Method, with its principles of Max Effort, Dynamic Effort, and Repetition Effort might be applied to an Olympic weightlifting training program. I’m most certainly not the first person to try to marry the two seemingly incongruous philosophies, nor am I going to claim that anything I say should be taken as gospel. Again, what follows is simply my opinion, which is derived from my (still developing) understanding of both the Conjugate Method and Olympic weightlifting.
In my mind, using the Conjugate Method to program and train for the Olympic lifts (the snatch and the clean and jerk, for those unfamiliar with them), makes perfect sense, given that, much like powerlifting, Olympic lifting is a sport that requires a well-orchestrated and seamless combination of strengths and skills—not only do the Olympic lifts require a high level of maximal strength (trained via the Max Effort method), they also require an intense degree of dynamic strength, speed, and power (trained via the Dynamic Effort method), as well as a certain amount of functional hypertrophy (trained via the Repetition Effort method).
Before we get into the nuts and bolts of how the Conjugate Method might be used in such a setting, let’s first explore/review what the Conjugate Method is. The Conjugate Method is a method/style of training that is composed of three individual sub-methods: the Max Effort method, which utilizes the lifting of a 1RM weight in order to develop maximal strength, the Dynamic Effort method, which is the lifting of light(er) weights quickly in order to develop speed and explosive ability, and the Repetition Effort method, which is, essentially, the lifting of submaximal weights to failure, or close thereto, in a bodybuilding-esque style. The Conjugate Method seeks to train multiple qualities/traits/characteristics at the same time, hence the term “conjugate” (also referred to as “concurrent training”). This is opposed to a more linear method of training, such as Block Periodization, that focuses on the training of individual qualities over time, with the intention of each “block” of training building upon the previous one, eventually terminating in competition.
Louie Simmons, founder of Westside Barbell and author of the Conjugate Method, often argues that “Western” periodization (as he puts it), aka linear periodization, is a subpar method given that it fails to produce results in the desired fashion, and that ultimately, the traits developed earlier in the training cycle will dissipate/stagnate as one progresses deeper into the training cycle, hence missing the intended goal of building each block/phase on the foundation laid by the preceding block or phase. He then continues on to argue that the Conjugate Method is a superior method of training, given that multiple traits are being trained concurrently, or at the same time, eventually resulting in the peaking of all necessary traits at the same time.
I, as both a coach and a lifter, am not entirely convinced that linear periodization and its derivatives are failed methods—I think that there are multiple ways to address a problem, however, some are more right than others, and I have found that, in most cases I have encountered, the Conjugate Method is a more effective and efficient means of satisfying the demands and needs of a particular situation over the multitude of other options. That’s not to say that linear periodization won’t work, or doesn’t work, simply that it doesn’t work as well as one might hope or expect, at least not over time.
However, I digress.
To return to topic, how can the Conjugate Method be applied to the demands of Olympic weightlifting? Well, in my opinion, in the same way that it can be applied to powerlifting, strength and conditioning, and any other physical endeavor.
Let’s examine how each of the sub-methods can be applied, in turn, to Olympic weightlifting, and why each method might have a place in the training menu of an Olympic lifter.
Max Effort: Through the application of the Maximal Effort method, one develops not only maximal strength, but also increased/improved inter- and intramuscular coordination/recruitment, increased capacity to strain under load, and the mental fortitude (aka “mental toughness”) and confidence necessary to successfully execute maximal lifts. In both theory and practical application, the Max Effort method is incredibly simple, albeit not necessarily easy (note the difference between the two).
Implementing the Max Effort method is, as stated above, relatively simple—select a variation of one of the competition movements (in this case, either the snatch or the clean and jerk), and work up to a 1RM (one rep max) in that variation. How far you want to push the limit of the 1RM is up to you and your particular situation—as a strength and conditioning coach who works with college athletes, I take my athletes to an RPE 9, just shy of “true” max effort, but intense enough to drive adaptation and expose any technical flaws that might need addressing with minimal risk of incurring injury. As a competitive lifter, one might, as is the case with my own training, push the envelope and work up to a true 1RM or to failure, so again, examination of the situation and the context thereof is critical for determining the relative intensity of a given max effort training session.
However, while the execution of the Max Effort method might be simple at its core, there are a number of factors that contribute to complicating the matter, all of which must be addressed in order to achieve success.
First, one must ask, “Which variation am I going to select?” Again, when it comes to Olympic lifting, one must choose from either the snatch or the clean and jerk when selecting a max effort variation. One could choose a squat or pull as the given ME variation, but in my opinion, the ME variation should always be reflective of the competition lifts, not the supporting/supplemental lifts. In powerlifting, the squat, bench, and deadlift are all competitive movements, and are available to be selected as ME variations. However, in my opinion, in regards to Olympic lifting, the squat/press/deadlift are all supplemental lifts, and should be trained as such. Yes, having a strong squat is key to being successful in both the clean/jerk, but again, given that the squat itself is not the competitive movement, training it should fall into a supplemental category. With the Conjugate Method, overcomplicating exercise selection is extremely easy to do—the Conjugate Method operates on the use of rotating variations in order to prevent accommodation, and as such, variations are limited only by imagination and/or available equipment, however, it is imperative that ME variations be selected/executed based on the specific needs of the lifter, as well as the degree to which the chosen variation contributes to the success of its parent movement.
One item to consider is the training of the clean/jerk. Essentially, the clean and jerk is two separate movements combined into one, and as such, one must decide which aspect of the lift to train—do you train the lift as a whole, or give each phase of the lift its own ME day? Again, there is no hard and fast “right” answer—a lifter or coach must decide which phase/aspect of the lift needs the greatest degree of attention and training, and then design a training protocol to sufficiently address the demands thereof.
There are a number of ways in which one might modify either the snatch or the clean/jerk in order to create novel variations. Below are some suggestions, however this is not an exhaustive list and should be treated simply as a well from which to draw ideas:
Pulling from blocks
Pulling from the hang
Pulling from a deficit
Pulling from a certain position
Tempo work
Versus bands
Jerking from blocks/pins
Opposite stance (power jerk vs split jerk)
Hook grip/no hook grip, or using straps
Again, ME variation selection must be tactical and intelligent in nature—the ME variation should always be reflective of, and contributing to, the parent lift, as well as serving to expose technical flaws, which are then addressed via the use of special exercises, which serve to not only address the aforementioned flaws, but to bridge the gap between general training and sport-specific technical work. As with powerlifting, ME variations should be periodized from general to specific, meaning that as one approaches a competition, the ME variations should become more similar to the competition lifts, as opposed to being less similar to them when further out from a competition.
As stated above, special exercises must be used to address technical flaws exposed/highlighted via the Max Effort method, as well as to bridge the gap between general and specific work. The selection of these exercises can be based on one of two principles—identification of weak points through the ME method, or through pre-selection based on previously known weaknesses. Either option is appropriate, and ultimately, the decision is one of personal preference. Both options require a high degree of self-awareness and assessment, which, while vital for the success of any lifter, can be challenging to honestly master and apply.
Finally, the use of the Repetition Effort method in conjunction with the ME method will improve the overall muscular strength, size, and endurance of the lifter, and should again be designed/programmed in such a way that it meets the specific demands/needs of both the sport and the lifter. As Louie says, it does no good to be strong in the wrong exercises.
A sample ME Snatch training session might look like this (again, simply food for thought, not gospel):
ME variation—snatch from low hang, work to 1RM
Special exercise #1—overhead squat 3x3-5
Special exercise #2—snatch balance 3x5
Accessory #1—Snatch grip RDL 3-4x5-8
Accessory #2—Front Plank 3x:30
Accessory #3—DB OHP 3x10
Accessory #4—TRX Pull-apart 4x10
A sample ME Clean/Jerk day might look like this:
ME variation—clean and jerk from blocks, work to 1RM
Special exercise #1—front squat, work to heavy triple
Special exercise #2—clean pull 3x5
Accessory #1—BB OHP 3x5
Accessory #2—Split stance RDL 3x10 ea. leg
Accessory #3—Pendlay Row 4x10
Accessory #4—Standing band crunch x100 total
Dynamic Effort: In my opinion, the DE method, whether in powerlifting or Olympic lifting, serves two purposes: 1) to develop speed and explosive ability, and 2) to refine and hone technical skill. The Dynamic Effort method, as explained above, is simply the lifting of lighter weights fast, with the intention of producing as much as possible, as quickly as possible, across each rep and set. There are a number of ways to execute the DE method, and again, each has its place depending on one’s specific needs/wants. However, a traditional (as laid out by Louie) DE wave might look something like this:
Week 1: 50% + 25% Accommodating Resistance (AR) 12x2
Week 2: 55% + 25% AR 10x2
Week 3: 60% + 25% AR 10x2
Week 1: 50% + 25% AR 10x1
Week 2: 55% + 25% AR 10x1
Week 3: 60% + 25% AR 8x1
Bench Press
35% + 25% AR 9x3 across all three weeks
Alternatively, one could run a 5x5 wave across all three weeks for the squat, perhaps in an effort to increase conditioning/aerobic capacity, or to drive greater hypertrophy adaptation through additional time under tension. Again, there is no one right way to perform the DE method, simply ways that might be more appropriate for a particular situation.
But how does one apply the DE method to Olympic weightlifting? Again, much in the same way as we applied the principles of the ME method to Olympic lifting, we can apply the principles of the DE method to Olympic lifting. Perhaps not in the exact same way as one might apply them to powerlifting, but in such a way that is similar enough to not be entirely foreign.
One of the hallmarks of the DE method is the use of Accommodating Resistance (AR), which, simply put, is the use of bands or chains attached to the barbell in order to allow the lifter to continue to accelerate through the entirety of the lift, preventing the natural deceleration of the body as it approaches a terminal velocity that would otherwise cause it to go airborne. Given the relatively vertical and linear bar path of the squat, bench, and deadlift, the use of AR makes a great deal of sense and, when executed correctly, rather safe. One of the most prevalent arguments against the use of Conjugate for Olympic lifting is the use, or reliance on the use, of AR, and how it can’t be used with the Olympic movements.
I disagree with this sentiment, and would argue that, while, again, everything is contextual and situational, the use of AR with the Olympic movements is not so far removed from the realm of reality, and that when utilized by a sufficiently skilled or technically proficient lifter, is again, a rather safe endeavor. However, I would also say that if one is to use AR with the Olympic lifts, one should only use bands, and not use chains. Given the more serpentine nature of chains, meaning that they sway and oscillate, I feel that they present more of a risk to a lifter than bands, which (typically) create a relatively straight bar path when used correctly. Bands have been proven to be effective in the power lifts, so it would stand to reason that when applied correctly, and when utilized by a skilled lifter, would produce similar results for the Olympic lifts.
Regarding variations of the lifts for the DE method, I would recommend utilizing the competition-style lifts, that is, the competition snatch and the full clean and jerk. As I mentioned above, one of the benefits of using the DE method is the opportunity to refine and hone one’s technical skill under a load that, while sufficient enough to require the use of good technique, is not so intense as to expose or create technical flaws. One might think of the DE method not only as speed work, but also as practice—the chance to refine one’s mastery of the art of lifting weights. This is especially true given that via the ME method, the competition-style lifts are not frequently being utilized, and while variation is important to drive adaptation and prevent accommodation, at the end of the day, one’s skill in the execution of the competition lifts is what truly matters. Again, it does no good to be strong in the wrong exercises.
Regarding volume for the DE method, I would recommend following something similar to what has been laid out for powerlifting. Modification might be necessary on an individual basis, but again, that’s the nature of lifting and training.
A potential three-week pendulum wave for both the competition snatch and clean/jerk might look something like this:
Week 1: 50% + 25% AR, 12x2
Week 2: 55% + 25% AR, 10x2
Week 3: 60% + 25% AR, 10x2
Clean and Jerk
Week 1: 50% + 25% AR, 10x1
Week 2: 55% + 25% AR, 10x1
Week 3: 60% + 25% AR, 8x1
I would recommend doubles in the snatch and singles in the clean and jerk, simply because while the snatch might be a more technically demanding movement, I believe the clean and jerk to be more intensive, given that it is two movements in one, as opposed to the single fluid movement of the snatch.
Following the completion of the DE method training for a given session, one would then, in the same manner as with the ME method, utilize the RE (Repetition Effort) method to build/strengthen the musculature responsible for the execution of the lifts. It is important to distinguish between the building of movement versus the building of muscle—in my opinion, both the ME and the DE methods are responsible for the building of movement, given their low volume, whereas the RE method is responsible for the building of muscle, given its particular intensity and volume ranges.
Repetition Effort: The use of the RE method has already been discussed in both the ME and DE method sections, and as such, will not be discussed in great detail here. The RE method is responsible for the building of muscle, bone, connective tissue, as well, potentially, the driving of metabolic adaptation, depending on intensity, tempo, rest periods, etc.
The RE method must be used in conjunction with the ME and DE methods in order to drive the greatest level of success and adaptation, and its use is a hallmark of the Conjugate Method. Louie often discusses that the Conjugate Method is a 20/80 system—20% of the total volume/workload comes from the main movement, whereas the remaining 80% comes from special exercises and accessories. Yes, one can see success by only using the ME and DE methods, but in order to truly excel, one must utilize the RE method to its fullest extent.