April 21, 2023
Shirted Technique Work
Shirted touch up to 405x2x1 with reverse light bands. Plan is to reduce band assistance each week while working on technical execution of the lift.
DB Bench 2x20
Triceps x100
Pull-apart x50
April 20, 2023
Dynamic/Repetition Effort Lower
putting my shoes on
putting my briefs on
putting my suit on
Suited deadlift up to 405x4x1 - trying to break in my new Overkill suit, while adding in some new technique cues.
taking my suit off
taking my briefs off
taking my shoes off
March 29, 2023
Repetition Effort Lower
Banded deficit deadlift up to 390 vs monster mini bands
No accessories today because I almost threw up during deads.
March 27, 2023
Max Effort Lower
Free squat vs light bands up to 655x1
Taking my gear off.
march 23, 2023
Repetition Effort Lower
SSB squat vs chain up to 415x2x2
Sissy Squat
Taking off my knee sleeves and shoes and putting everything away.
Good day all in all. Working with Coach to address technical issues and positioning, which will pay off in the long run. I’m actually feeling my quads engage while squatting, so that’s cool.
March 6, 2023
ME Lower
Sumo deadlift up to 585/+40/60lbs chain
Everything that I hate doing as accessories.
Slowly making progress in the right direction.
February 28, 2023
ME Upper:
Raw close grip bench up to 235x3
Drop sets at 210x2x3
In and out today based on time constraints and other obligations. Feeling stronger though!
February 14, 2023
Max Effort Upper
Bench Press up to 185x3 vs 40lbs chain
Lots of accessories.
All the warm-up and prehab work with my new coach Daniel Tinajero. Definitely going to be a slow burn, but it’ll be worth it.
February 3, 2023
246lbs of mediocrity!
Max Effort Upper
Raw bench press up to 250x1/275x0
Accessories: DB Bench 2x20, Rolling DB Extension 2x15, Dips 2x10, Band Pull-apart x100 total.
I’ve been caught up with moving into my new house, and being sick, so this is the only training session I’ve managed to put together this week. I’m looking forward to getting back to a more normal schedule starting next week.
Here’s an overly large picture of my current physique. Sorry, creeps, no feet pics…yet.
January 24, 2023
Max Effort Upper
Shirted bench up to 405x1
Accessories: Uploading videos to Instagram.
January 23, 2023
Max Effort Lower
Full gear sumo deadlift from the floor up to 675x1
Accessories: unloading the bar and taking off my shoes.
Neither my bench nor my deadlift are moving in the “right” direction, but at least my squat isn’t in the dumpster (for the time being).
January 17, 2023
Max Effort Lower
Free squat in briefs w/wraps up to 825x1
Accessories: set up and breakdown and all the heavy breathing after my singles.
Shit was heavy. That is all.
January 9, 2023
Max Effort Lower
Straps down sumo pull up to 635x1
Accessories: taking plates off the bar and putting my shit away.
All my joints hurt today, and I have nerve pain running through both arms today—feeling real great. It feels like I need a whole body wrap.
January 6, 2023
Max Effort Upper
Shirted 2-board vs 80lbs chain up to 365x1
225x20 3-board in the Titan Supercharged Ram
Cross-body Band Triceps x50 w/monster mini band
Low-to-high face pull w/light band x50
January 5, 2023
Secondary Lower
Free squat in brief and sleeves vs 240lbs chain up to 570x1
Accessories: taking plates and chains off the barbell
Secondary lower days are dedicated to building the pick off the hooks and overload at the top. I’m alternating chains and bands each week, increasing chain weight and band tension as the meet approaches, so that, at least in theory, I’m taking my heaviest picks closest to the meet. We’ll see how it runs, but so far so good.
January 3, 2023
Secondary Upper
Bench press with the Titan Supercharged Ram up to 315x1; 3-board backdown sets at 275x10
Random triceps and back work
Still fighting the nerve damage/issues with the arm and neck, so bench is a slow crawl back to where I was. But it’s the little wins that make it all worth it.
January 2, 2023
Max Effort Lower
Free squat with straps down up to 735x1
Band leg curl x100
Reverse hyper 3x20
I hate accessories. I do very few of them. Embrace minimalism.